Vegas & Beyond

I’m BACK!!!
And so glad to be back.

Here’s a really long rambly post about my Vegas trip, weekend stuff… a whole lot of stuff NOT about costumes. Well, a little bit about costumes when you get to Sunday.

First off look at my super happy Pumpkin man!

And mom found these while cleaning out something and gave them to me. I guess I have Thanksgiving decorations now, LOL.

So we woke up Monday morning at 5:30 for my Vegas flight — and woke up to the horrible news of the shooting in Vegas. And a horde of texts from family and friends. Still had to go 🙁

Monday was a flight to Atlanta and then a loooong flight to Vegas. I slept for a little bit, but mostly read — I read Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer on the way there. I really liked it. I had expected it to be long enough for the flight there on Monday and part of the way back on Friday but I liked it so much I couldn’t stop to have any left for Friday.

Once we got in and had lunch we went and set-up our booth.
One booth had a whole giant James Bond showcase.

The business dinner we were supposed to have Monday night got canceled so we just went and ate somewhere in the hotel.

One of my fav things about this trip is getting to walk past Bauman’s Rare Books everyday. This year they had some neat Conan books in the front windows.

Tuesday was Day 1 of the show. Busy all day. I got to walk around a little bit.

Westworld machine!!

Buffy machine!!

The booth with the Westworld machine was giving away Westworld coasters.

I didn’t have pockets or my purse this day so I hid my coaster behind the booth, and then tucked it into my bra strap right before we left. And I guess it fell out because a few minutes later I went to take it out to carry it and it was gone.
BUT! I went back the next day and got 2 more. And then Thursday when we were packing up the booth, I found my missing one – it must have fallen out behind our booth curtain the first day. So I got 3!

This booth had people playing Street Fighter and a booth girl dressed like Chun-Li. (Though she didn’t do the hair.)

Work dinner that night was Italian and I had lasagna and omg was it good.

Seriously as soon as they sat it in front of me I was so hungry it was gone in like, 4 bites. Everybody else was still eating, LMAO.

More show stuff from the next day:

Work dinner that night was our usual steak place. I was really looking forward to the lobster bisque – got it last year and it was sooo good – but this year it was different and not as good 🙁 But the rest of everything was good.

Thursday the show closed 2 hours early, we packed up and got everything ready to be shipped back home.

And then I was done for the night!!

I didn’t have to go to the business dinner that night so I was on my own! Which was great, meant I could watch Project Runway.

Ok so tuesday I’d bought 2 bottle cokes at the little hotel store. I drank one that night but then the 2nd one sat there getting hot, and I decided when I got to the room thursday night, I’d put it on ice and have it with my dinner thursday. So as soon as I got up to the room I put the coke in the sink and headed down to the ice machine to get ice. Well the little ice bucket they give you is tiny. It was like maybe 1/4 enough to cover the coke in the sink. I didn’t want to make 4 more trips to the ice machine (it was a hike away), So I took the garbage can back to the ice machine, filled THAT up and that was enough to fully cover my coke in ice LOL.

Then at 5:30 I went downstairs to one of the hotel restaurants and placed a to-go order for some chicken alfredo. It took 20 minutes, which was perfect. I got back up to the room just a couple of minutes before PR started. Made myself a cocoon on the couch out of the bed’s comforter and sat back and enjoyed my dinner. Coke was perfectly cold. Chicken alfredo was super good. Also way too much food, it took me a half hour to make a dent in it.

Friday was a looooooooooong day. On my last leg (Atlanta-Memphis) the people in the seats next to me (I had window, so they were middle/aisle), got pulled off the flight! They were stand-bys and the attendant told them they’d given them somebody else’s seats?? (Like somebody had checked in but not gotten seats?) The attendant was like, “I’m sorry I have to ask you to leave.” It was super weird. So then everybody had kinda finished sitting down and nobody had taken the seats next to me so of course I’m hoping nobody does. But then this dad/granddad (?) and kid come on board. I don’t think dad/granddad spoke any english (not sure what language he was speaking) and he was a little confused. The kid was SCREAMING but thankfully he stopped after a few minutes and was quiet the rest of the way home. Dad/granddad manspread the entire flight though, his left leg totally up into my own leg space. WTF. So I was super glad to be home and done by the time we landed.

Oh, and I downloaded the second book after Annihilation – Authority, and I read it on the plane.

Chase had me a coming home present too!

And then we had to turn around and go out to my parent’s house to pick up Kes — we’re keeping her for the week while my parents are on vacation. Mom got me a coming home present too!

And I had to take a picture of her breakfast table decorations:


Luna is so weird about Kes. She has lived with Kes! But she still acts scared of kes everytime she sees her. But she did seem to at least get used to her faster this time around.

Saturday morning Chase had a hair appointment and we ended up being in the right place to see the Dia de los Muertos parade. How neat! I won’t post all the gazillion pics I took, but here’s a few.

Then we went over to finally check out the new Crosstown Concourse. I’ve been obsessed with the Sears Crosstown building since I was a kid. It was built in the 20s, but it closed as an open-to-the-public Sears when I was really really little and I never got to go inside. It’s sat empty for ages and I looooved staring at it when we drove past.

This year a revitization plan finally went through and the lower floor is home to stores and restaurants – ice cream, grocery store, etc. Then there’s some offices on the next floors and apartments on the highest floors. So neat!

They had a whole little exhibit area in one corner with old photos of the store in its heyday…

Old machinery…


Old signs they found inside!

And best of all, the old SEARS sign!

Finished up Authority that night and immediately had to go download the last book so I could see what happens. Will prob finish it up tonight. Really enjoyed these books!

Sunday we finally tackled my closet.

Busted up.

We put in a new wooden shelf, separate from the hanging rod. The hanging rods are reinforced on each side, and a center support.

Towards the end we realized the pipes we used were covered in black grease. I tried to clean them off but it seemed to be futile. We ended up completely wrapping the pipes in tape. LOL.

I started putting some stuff back in last night. Still got more to do tonight.


Then we went to see Blade Runner 2049. REALLY liked it. Came out of the theater to discover Ash and I were both wearing our dragoncon shirts (hadn’t noticed before that LMAO)

The end.